Cotswold Weaving Yarn

Sport Weight Cotswold weaving yarn

While we hadn't planned to create weaving yarn, life has given us a few lemons so let's make lemonade!  The mill made an error and what should have been bulky rug punching yarn is now 3-ply sport weight yarn.  This is too fine to fit well in an Oxford Fine needle and also not our whitest, nicest handling wool so you *could* knit with it but we have much better Cotswold knitting yarn... so how about weaving??  Cotswold is STRONG, lustrous and takes dye well.  This 100% wool yarn was grown by our flock of Cotswold sheep and milled right here in the US.  Warp, weft or tapestry yarn - I suspect Cotswold could do it all.

We are offering this yarn on cones or we can skein and wash desired yardage for you if you prefer.  Yardage is approximately 665 yd/lb.  Cones vary slightly in weight but most are within a few ounces of two pounds.  Price is $98 per cone or $3.50 per ounce (approx. 40 yds per ounce) if skeined and washed.  

Cone of Cotswold weaving yarn (approx. 2 lb - 1,325 yds)

If you would prefer a smaller amount please email us to request specific weight in ounces or yardage.  We will add shipping and send you a custom PayPal invoice.